Author: Dr. Mohsen Saeed Ozaibi

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Mohsen Saeed Al Ozaibi, BDS, MBA. A Dentist at Bani Yas Medical Clinic and at Emirates Jordanind Medical Center, Founder of Graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Dental Science from Misr International University and a Master's degree in Business and Administration from the University of the People. A veteran in digital dental content publishing and marketing.

In this article, we give in details the facts, factors, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment of Pemphigus Vulgaris. A type of Autoimmune disease effecting the skin and oral mucousa. Pemphigus Vulgaris Facts Its autoimmune disease involving skin, mucous membrane showing vesicles and bullae. Uncommon and fatal. [divider scroll_text=”SCROLL_TEXT”] Etiology and Pathogenesis Characterised by circulating IgG autoantibodies against intercellular cementing substances in the epithelium. (Desmoglein) Once the autoantibodies attaches to the Antigen (cementing substance) Release of proteolytic enzmes from epithelial cells Destruction of the intercellular cementseparation of the epithelial cell from each other (acantholysis). Presence of the weakest junction supra‐basal Split between the…

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In this article, an unbelievable case of a person who self treated him self with the right basic ideas!!! Post Presented by Mayada Ashraf “U won’t believe this!! This is a 30 years old patient, who came to me after extracting his upper right central incisor using  kamasha (Industrial Pliers). Soon after he did that, he realised that it looks so bad to have that anterior space in the aesthetic zone. So he decided to restore it, he brought the tooth , then cut it using Monshaar (Saw)  at the cemento-enamel junction. Finally, he glued it using Ameer ( A type of Home glue)…

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In this article, we continue talking about the Human Herpes (HHV-3) in its reactive form which is called Shingles (Herpes Zoster). Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Etiology Reactivation of latent varicella‐zoster virus is by many predisposing factors, which includes: Trauma Radiation Surgery Malignancy (Lymphoma, leukemia or tumor in the dorsal root ganglion). Immune suppression. Reactivation of the latent virus (which was primary chicken pox) results in infection of the posterior root ganglion of spinal cord or extra‐medullary ganglion of the cranial nerve then spreads down the nerve fibers of the skin of the dermatomeleading to vesicular eruption, unilateral, segmental, along the Cutaneous distribution…

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In this new section on OziDent, We provide a quick dental guide for all General Dentists to manage what might seem at first a complex case but with the correct information and knowledge should be easy mange and handle. In this article we tackle the the different causes of Maxillary Canine Impaction, Proper diagnosis, prognosis, possible treatments. Maxillary Canine Impaction Facts The 2nd most common impacted tooth. Twice as common in females. Twice as common in the maxilla than mandible. 8% of impacted canines are bilateral. 1/3 is labial located impaction while 2/3 are palatally located impactions. Etiology The…

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In this article, we explain the third form of  human Herpes (HHV-3) in its primary form that  causes oral ulcers, Varicella Zoster Virus. Varicella Zoster Virus Also Known as VZV, chicken pox virus, varicella virus, zoster virus, and human herpes virus type 3 (HHV-3). HHV-3 also shares some ancestors with  HSV1 and HSV2 while five genes do not have corresponding HSV genes. Relation with other human herpes viruses is less strong, but many homologues and conserved gene blocks are still found. Facts [column col=”1/2″]Varicella = Primary infection = Chicken pox [/column] [column col=”1/2″ last=”true”]Zoster = Reactivate infection = Shingles.[/column] The same virus…

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In this short article, we briefly describe a simple type of amalgam failure, simple in understanding it yet serious issues as an amalgam failure which will always require revaluation and replacement as the only treatment. Dislodgment of Restorations Causes Inadequacy of the retention mechanism. Fracture of the restoration. Fracture of the tooth. Recurrent caries. Clinical picture Totally dislodged restoration. It may show rocking. Treatment Evaluation of the retention. Followed by replacing the restoration.

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In this article, we give a complete and simpleifed guide to study the contact points and height of contour for dental anatomy section for the NBDE Part 1. Contact Points and Contour Facts Height of Contour (Crest of Curvature) : is an imaginary line encircling the tooth at the greatest bulge of the tooth. They Form the Contact areas which the adjacent teeth contact each other mesailly and distally. They Protects the surrounding givngiva, maintains hygiene and promote healthy gingiva. They Prevent tooth rotation and medial drift from occurring and keeps the teeth stably positioned. Thus its important to replicate…

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